Kaijun Che

Generating optical frequency combs via nanoscale photonic structures

H. Francis, S. Chen, K.J. Che, X.D. Zhang, M. Hopkinson, C.Y. Jin
SPIE Photonics West

Waveguide Modulated Photonic Molecules with Metallic Confinement

K.J. Che
2014 16th international conference on transparent optical networks(ICTON). Graz, Austria, 2014.

Multiple-port directional emission whispering-gallery mode microlasers

Y.Z. Huang, Y.D. Yang, J.D. Lin, K.J. Che
Conference on Laser resonators and beam control XIII, vol.7913, San Francisco, CA, 2011.

Mode Coupling and Directional Emission in Mirocylinder Lasers

Y. Z. Huang, S. J. Wang, Y.D. Yang, J.D. Lin, K.J. Che, J. L. Xiao, Y. Du
22nd IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 2010.

Mode characteristics of metallic-confined square-resonator microlasers

Y.Z. Huang, Y.D, Yang, K.J. Che
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanophotonics, Harbin, China, 2009.

Room temperature continuous-wave electrically-injected InGaAsP triangle and square microlasers

Y. Z. Huang, K.J. Che, S.J. Wang, Y.D. Yang
International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology-Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, SPIE vol.7158, Beijing, China, 2009. (Invited)

Directional emission whispering-gallery-mode semiconductor microcavity lasers

Y.Z. Huang, Y.D. Yang, S.J. Wang, K.J. Che, Y. Du
International NanoOptoelectronics Workshop, p.25, Tokyo, Japan, 2008.(EI) (Invited)

Mode behavior in triangle and square microcavities

Y. Z. Huang, K.J. Che, Y.D. Yang, S.J. Wang, W. Zhao
Asia-Pacific Optical Communications, SPIE vol.7135, 713506, Hangzhou, China, 2008.(EI) (invited)

Characteristics of triangle and square InP/InGaAsP microlasers

Y. Z. Huang, K.J. Che, S.J. Wang, Y.H. Hu, Y. Du, L.Y. Yu
10th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Athens, Greece, 2008.